JSPs and JSTLs
Duration: 5 days |
Participants: Software developers who want to create dynamic web pages based on HTML. |
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- Code and run JSPs that invoke servlets and other JSPs. - Code and run a servlet that forwards to a JSP and retrieves data from Javabeans using session, request and application scope. - Use different scopes within a web application. - Code JSTL and JSP tags in your JSPs. - Use the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. - Write servlets and JSPs that receive and send data to web pages. |
Overview: JavaServer Pages (JSPs) are used to create web content containing both static and dynamic components. JSPs have the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but with a more natural approach for creating the static content of the presentation layer. JSP is similar to PHP and ASP, but under the covers, it uses the Java programming language to create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types. JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection of useful tags you can use in your JSPs. |
Prerequisites: The ability to use an Eclipse-based IDE, such as RAD, IDz, etc. Java programming experience is required as is the ability to code and run simple servlets. Knowledge of HTML and some CSS and JavaScript is required. |
Format: Lecture and discussion with many hands-on exercises to reinforce the course content . |
Topic Outline:
- JSP Basics What is a JSP? JSP - Java ServerPages: Overview Life Cycle of a JSP Page Servlets vs JSPs vs HTML Create and use a JSP Folder in an Eclipse-based IDE Create and run a JSP file Test JSPs on Multiple Browsers Typical Client/Server Flow Web Application Architecture; MVC Division of Labor JSP invokes Servlet HTML invokes JSP Servlet invokes JSP servlet gets <form> element values "Nick" Names for servlets in web.xml Troubleshooting Why is my update not in browser??? Browser Cache vs Server Cache vs generated class files Context Root Change context name HTML and JSP files in folders - context Get Parameter Names Servlet with getParameterNames Output to browser Legacy JSP Code (for maintenance) Special Characters and Escape Characters HTTP is Stateless - Threads and Thread Safety Thread Safety with shared objects and shared resources Threads and JSPs Thread-safe servlets and JSPs Three Ways to Synchronize Code - Combining Servlets and JSPs JSP Logic Flow Servlet Forward to JSP <form> to launch Servlet Manage line breaks in Java Eclipse/Windows/Pop-ups Servlet Logic - session Servlet Logic - forward - JSP Tags JSP Scriptlet and Expression  JSP Scriptlet containing "if" JSP gets data from a bean: Old Ways/Newer Ways JavaBeans JavaBean Specification useBean tag - setting bean properties Using beans in JSPs <jsp:useBean attributes JSP Retrieves bean from request useBean tag - loading useBean tag - getProperty useBean tag - setProperty <jsp: include . . .> tag Other Include Techniques Tips for Links with web.xml back link versus back arrow JSP Action Tags Get and Post Methods HTTP is Stateless. How to "remember"? Instantiating Java objects inside JSPs Using built-in Java classes JSP 2.0 Enhancements JSPs: Simple to Complex Application Strategies - Error Handling Untrapped Error - NullPointerException Typical Website Errors HTTP 404 error HTTP 500 error JSP Runtime Error Processing JSP's Nine Implicit Objects Catching Exceptions - 2 Ways IE "limitation" for error-pages !!! Catching Errors #1 - using web.xml Catching Errors #1 - errorpage1.jsp Catching Errors #1 - null_1.jsp Catching Errors #1 - Browser Output Catching Errors #2 - using <@ page Catching Errors #2 - JSP with error Catching Errors #2 - Browser output Catching Errors #3 - stack trace Catching Errors #3 - Browser Output Catching Errors #4 - Formatted Catching Errors #4 - Browser Output - More JSP Tags Implicitly Defined JSP Objects Directives: <%@ <%@ page directive attributes and examples Exception Handling Response and Page Encoding <%@ include directive <%@ taglib directive Multi-thread considerations Declarations <%! JSP Expressions <%= Scriptlets Comments Import JSP / HTML code - EL - Expression Language Expression Language Objects implicit to EL EL to get param from web.xml EL sessionScope and requestScope Application Scope EL Syntax and Operators EL Precedence of Operators EL Reserved Words EL Examples Handling Exceptions with EL Oracle's Best Practices for Servlets and JSPs JSTL and EL for Map contents - JSTL Tags What is JSTL? - JSP Standard Tag Libraries May need jstl jar files Typical custom tags from the JSTL Core "c" tags in JSPs <c:out> <c:set> JSTL to prevent XSS (cross-site scripting) hacking Import using JSTL <c:if> <c:choose>,<c:when>,<fc:otherwise> <c:forEach> \ <c:forTokens> <c:catch> Alternating browser line colors using CSS - Hacking DoS and DDoS Attacks DoS Symptoms Methods of Attack Forging Sender Addresses Prevent Hacking - Miscellaneous Topics JSON JSON one-level Example in JavaScript JSON Array Example in JavaScript JSON Nested Objects in JavaScript JSON from a File Unicode <meta charset="utf-8"> Favicon Create a favicon file Adding a favicon to your web page Favicon Output in 3 Browsers Same HTML running in Chrome vs IE vs Firefox Running html from html subfolder Web Development Considerations Usability; 508 Compliance Browser Compatibility Responsive Web Design - What is the Internet? Internet concept and architecture Who owns the Internet? How old is the Internet? Internet Terminology URL - Web Suffixes naming conventions |