InterTest for CICS
Duration: 1/2 to 1 day |
Participants: COBOL/CICS application developers working in an InterTest environment. |
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- Describe InterTest's features for monitoring, testing, error detection, and diagnostics and how these features support application developers. - Use the InterTest debugging features, including breakpoint setting, monitoring and changing variable values, altering program logic, and other aspects of the InterTest transactions: HELP, LIST CNTL, CORE, FILE, and SYMD. - Turn InterTest on and off for your program, so that you could get Abend-AID dumps if desired. - Describe and use the compile time steps and run-time commands to setup and use your program in an InterTest environment. |
- This course is designed for application developers who code and test CICS COBOL programs in an InterTest version 5.4 environment. Participants will each debug a simple CICS COBOL program error, then more complex program errors involving XCTL, LINK, TS queues, and VSAM files. - Every participant as well as the instructor requires 3 PCTs with 3 PPTs for COBOL programs, a PPT for the BMS maps, an FCT for a VSAM file, with FB, LRECL=35, and logins for TSO/ISPF and for CICS. The client site needs InterTest, CICS/ESA 4.1, and COBOL II or higher. The client provides working procs or panels to prepare COBOL programs for InterTest, and to prepare BMS maps for CICS. - A half-day is required for setup by the instructor prior to class, during which the client provides technical assistance. - Customization involving DB2 or IMS is possible. Call to discuss. |
Prerequisites: A working knowledge of CICS/ESA 4.1 and COBOL II, or COBOL/370, or COBOL for MVS and VM, or COBOL for OS/390 and VM is required. |
Format: Lecture and discussion with hands-on machine exercises. |
Topic Outline:
- InterTest Components and Transactions - LIST Transaction - Monitor On; Alternate Method - Breakpoints Setting Unconditional, Conditional, or Request Breakpoints Unsetting Breakpoints Two breakpoint menus Detailed Display for Breakpoints - PFKEYS - Running Your Program in InterTest Starting your program Resuming after a breakpoint or interrupt Ending your program - Debugging Your Program Understating the cause of the Interrupt Displaying main storage Keeping variables on the screen Using Changed Source - CNTL menus - CORE menu - FILE menu Change, add, delete records For VSAM, DB2, IMS, TS, and TD (Hands-on is for VSAM only.) |