Duration: 1 day |
Participants: COBOL application developers, troubleshooters, and support personnel. |
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- Capture an Abend-AID dump and view the captured panels. - Solve a variety of abends, including S0C7, S013, S0C4, S322, file status errors, and abends in linked programs. - Lock a captured Abend-AID dump for future reference. |
- Learn to use the Abend-AID TSO panels to solve a variety of batch COBOL program abends and to research abend codes in IBM manuals available on the Internet. - This course optionally includes tips for using IBM’s BookManager and Chicago-Soft’s QuickReference 5.0. |
Prerequisites: General knowledge of MVS z/OS data storage and working knowledge of COBOL. |
Format: Lecture and discussion with extensive hands-on exercises. |
Class Setup:
- Each student needs access to z/OS TSO with ISPF Abend-AID ONLINE panels installed, COBOL compile and link procs, and 3270 emulation on PCs. - Prior to class the COBOL programs, data, and JCL need to be uploaded to the instructor’s TSO id, the JCL changed to reflect the client’s PROCs and standards, and the programs tested to be sure they abend in the desired manner. - BookManager and QuickRef need to be available. - Access to the Internet is required. |
Topic Outline:
- Abend-AID Overview Use in testing and in production Contrast with interactive tools such as Xpediter. - Capturing the Dump Information Changes to run JCL Access to the compile information Creating a DDIO file Changes for XLS - Viewing the Dump using Abend-AID Panels - Steps to Solving Abends Diagnostic section Next sequential instruction section Use of source code listings Locating associated COBOL instructions Locating associated data XLS listing (if available) - Solving Typical Abends S0C7 S0C4 S013 S322 - Quick Reference - TSO Online Reference Finding information Cut and paste Quick use to locate abend messages and codes - Book Manager Layout: Book shelves, books, book organization Navigating through Book Manager Using Messages and Codes manuals Using Language Referrence and Programming Guide manuals |